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020 7608 1947
193 Whitecross Street, EC1Y 8QP / 020 7608 1947

The Non Surgical Facelift

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That Magic LIFT

'There has been a lot of talk of facelifts in the press of late. Resulting from the Zoom Boom – many people have felt the need to enquire about ways to improve the sag that we see very readily when we are staring down the camera of our laptop or iPhone.

Whilst surgery has its place for some people, for many it is a bridge too far – the ‘downtime’ the expense, the visibility to the people around us, the anaesthetic… the list goes on.

So what is if there was a way to address facial sagging without going under the knife?

Well there is!!!

In the world of aesthetics as with all fields of medicine there is a lot of terminology that sounds kinda scary and off putting.

It's difficult to get that right because it is really important to convey to people that these treatments are not beauty treatments, that they are all medical treatments. And therefore, there is a level of seriousness and you should be considering them.

But having said that, these treatments are genuinely exciting because they allow you to rejuvenate your skin, your face in a way that hasn't been possible in the past or has been the exclusive realm of the rich and famous.

Mid-face lifting, non-surgical lifting, the 8 point lift, the 5 point lift are all terms that refer to the use of dermal filler injections used with or without  Botox.

Fillers, as they sound, do indeed ‘fill’. We use them to fill deep lines in the skin or fill out lips. The aspect I really like about fillers though is their lift-ability. I try and always focus on discussing the lifting benefits when I discuss with clients.

It's true that as we age, we do lose volume from the face, but along with the volume loss and I think really what causes the unhappiness is the not the volume loss itself but the knock on effects of the volume loss. Drift, sag, droop, the effects of gravity, however you want to call it, these are the direct effects of volume loss.

The most common issue or concern for people considering filler treatment in my experience is the fear of looking overdone or looking unnatural. Once again these kind of concerns are all really rooted in a fear of over volumisation. This commonly held but incorrect focus that filler is mainly to create volume does disservice to the true magic of filler which is LIFT!

The main problem with the sagging, drift and gravity effects that we see as a result of loss of volume in the face as we get older really comes down to the negative attributes portrayed on our faces as a result. Appearing to be sad, tired or angry when you are not can be a huge source of frustration. This is compounded by the understandable acceptability of others to comment on this. Not many people will say ‘oh you look old!’ but they will (and with all good intention) comment ‘oh, you look tired – are you having trouble sleeping?’ ‘You look cross – has someone annoyed you?’ There is nothing worse than being perceived as someone who is tired, angry or sad when that is simply not the case! (Even if there could be a glimmer of truth it is still pretty infuriating!!)

So surgery is an option- it’s actually a great option- if you are the right candidate with the right surgeon.

For those of you who are not, then a non surgical facelift will give you that antigravity fresh factor that will make you feel full of joie de vivre!

A non surgical facelift should be considered If you feel that you look:


Each treatment plan is determined on an individual basis with regards to volume and product, with 3ml premium quality filler as a starting point.
Although nothing like a facelift with regards to ‘down time’, I always recommend you plan for bruising and swelling for a day or 2 after – that way in the unlikely event of this happening you will not be in the least bothered by it.

Results always look better around 4-6 weeks after treatment when the lifting quality has had time to take effect.

Our aim is for you to look fresher not necessarily fuller – we expect you to get comments like ‘ooh, you look well!’ Not ‘oh you’ve had filler’.

If you think you might benefit from this approach – simply get in touch and schedule a consultation – we can do the rest for you!'

Elizabeth x

LPA is an award-winning nurse-led clinic. Our philosophy is to help you age in a way that you feel confident and comfortable in yourself. We’re on a mission to win your trust from the off, by making your visit relaxed and easy and ultimately sending you on your way with a natural revitalised and more attractive version of you, so that you’re ready to conquer your world! 

We are based in EC1 in the bustle of the city. We are registered with Save Face, the UK aesthetics regulatory body.

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