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How can you get rid of tear troughs?

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Tear troughs is a term that lots of people are getting more familiar with - however I know that some of you are unclear on what we are talking about, when we mention 'tear trough fillers'.

The tear trough area is the are under the eye - if you run your finger along the inner corner of your eye, down along the bony rim - that is the tear trough area.

This is a common area from which we start to lose volume as we age, leaving a groove which can make you look tired. This groove however, is not always age related. Some people will have a groove under the eye from a younger age - as with all things skin the main factor here is your genes.

So the loss of volume under the eye can make this area look sunken and dark. Magazines are full of unhelpful articles on how to get rid of tear troughs. You may have read suggestions like:

  • Apply cold tea bags,
  • Apply cucumber
  • Get plenty of sleep,
  • Drink plenty of water

These activities are all well and good but if you have a tear trough problem they will not make any difference. You do not have a tear trough groove because of anything you have done - it’s simply a case of  it having been written into your DNA.

So what can help you to get rid of tear troughs?

Dermal filler will certainly help to get rid of tear troughs. Dermal filler is an injectable gel like substance, its main ingredient is hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid brings moisture to the skin and volumises treated areas.

LPA is an award-winning nurse-led clinic. Our philosophy is to help you age in a way that you feel confident and comfortable in yourself. We’re on a mission to win your trust from the off, by making your visit relaxed and easy and ultimately sending you on your way with a natural revitalised and more attractive version of you, so that you’re ready to conquer your world! 

We are based in EC1 in the bustle of the city. We are registered with Save Face, the UK aesthetics regulatory body.

The Process

The treatment process is actually very comfortable. First you have some numbing cream applied and then the under eye area is treated with a gentle cannula technique.

As with all injectables it’s good planning to avoid alcohol the night before and for a few days after, avoid saunas / steam rooms for 48 hours and most importantly - book your treatment well in advance of any important event.

The Results

As with all dermal filler treatments - you will see results immediately. However you will find that the result improves over the weeks that follow. I always feel that you reach a 'sweet spot' after around 6 weeks. The filler takes time to settle and integrate into the skin and also bringing light reflective qualities which improves not only the groove but the darkness under the eyes.

Results are long-lasting - around 9-12 months. For the best results I would also recommend a little botox around the eyes, this can be done at the same time.

Who has tear trough filler?

Tear trough filler is popular amongst both men and women. As men are less likely to wear makeup this treatment can be a real game changer - the only difference that friends and colleagues can see is that you mysteriously look less tired.

It is also used on a wide age range. As mentioned previously tear trough problems are not always related to getting older.

Over the next few weeks, we will give you some more insights into how to get rid of tear troughs - keep tuned to all of our socials if you want to know more!

If you prefer some more personalised advice then simply book in for a consultation.


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