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lip filler

How long do lip fillers last? & 6 other common lip filler questions

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If you are considering lip enhancement London Professional Aesthetics are experts in this treatment. In this article are answers to some questions about lip filler treatment that might be rolling around your head. I have tried to put together the most common questions about lip fillers I get asked on this topic - if I have missed anything please feel free to let me know.

1. How long does lip filler last?

Lip fillers @ LPA typically last around 12 months.  We use premium grade hyaluronic acid based products (usually Juvederm or Kysense). Whilst the lips can be known for breaking down filler product more quickly (because of the continuous movement of the mouth) in recent years, there have also been many examples of lip filler lasting much longer than we expect it to.

2. Do men have lip filler @LPA?

In a nutshell - yes!  Men experience the same issues with lips as women. Sometimes there may be issues  associated with ageing such as lines and dehydration or loss of definition, sometimes it  may be just that you have thin lips. Lip fillers are used to treat both men and women.

3. Will people be able to tell if I have had lip filler?

Our collective ‘go to’ treatment approach for lip filler @ LPA is 'natural is best'. Our goal is to enhance your look by exaggerating the features you love and taking the eye from the things you don’t love. That being said we are happy to give a more dramatic look if that fits with your overall image. Most importantly - we will guide you & let you know what we think will work best for you.

LPA is an award-winning nurse-led clinic. Our philosophy is to help you age in a way that you feel confident and comfortable in yourself. We’re on a mission to win your trust from the off, by making your visit relaxed and easy and ultimately sending you on your way with a natural revitalised and more attractive version of you, so that you’re ready to conquer your world! 

We are based in EC1 in the bustle of the city. We are registered with Save Face, the UK aesthetics regulatory body.

4. Do lip fillers hurt?

I'm always honest when it comes to pain & discomfort associated with treatments. Lip filler can be a daunting procedure - the lips are a sensual part of the body brimming with blood vessels and nerve endings. However at LPA, we use the strongest numbing cream that money can buy - a prescription product that really works wonders. Added to that - the actual lip filler itself has a numbing agent mixed into it.

All of this means that whilst a low level of discomfort you will find it entirely tolerable.

5. What should I do to prepare for lip fillers?

In order to make the whole thing as stress free as possible, my top tips are

💉 Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before treatment.

💉 Avoid ibuprofen for 24 hours before treatment.

💉 Book an appointment when you don’t have to rush around or clock watch.

💉 Book your appointment for when you have a quiet few days - no big meetings or social engagements.

💉Keep yourself well hydrated.

6. What should I do after lip fillers?

💋 Do not freak out if your lips look bigger than you want - swelling will happen immediately after, later that evening and the following morning. This swelling usually resolves around 48 hours after treatment.

💋 Carry out regular icing - once you get home you can apply ice to your lips every hour to help minimise swelling, but only hold in place for around one minute. You can do this for 48 hours.

💋If you want to minimise swelling you could also consider taking an antihistamine for a few days.

💋 Drink lots of water - keeping well hydrated really helps lip filler to settle in - hyaluronic acid loves water!

7. How much lip filler should I have?

As a rule of thumb- most of our clients have 1ml lip filler. This is a conservative treatment. Some may opt for 0.5ml - this is super conservative. Depending on what look you are after and what your starting point is, will determine how much you need. If you are looking for something more dramatic or have very thin lips, or are a man, then bear in mind you will likely need more than 1 ml and this treatment would be carried out over a series of appointments. 1ml is a very small amount of filler, for many it can be enough just to bring a little hydration, definition and natural looking plumpness.

Are you considering Lip filler treatment?


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